Laparoscopy is the surgery performed by using smaller incisions than you might expect.

Why laparoscopy is performed?

Laparoscopy is utilized in identifying and diagnosing the source of pelvic or abdominal pain. It is performed while other non-invasive methods don’t work.

In many cases, abdominal issues can likewise be diagnosed to have imaging methods like:

  • ultrasound, which utilizes high-frequency sound waves to make pictures of the body
  • CT scan, which is a progression of special X-rays that take cross-sectional pictures of the body
  • MRI scan, which utilizes magnets and radio waves to deliver pictures of the body

How is it performed?

Before this system went along, the general surgeon in Vijayawada who performed on the patient's stomach needed to make an incision that was 6-to-12 inches long. That gave them sufficient space to view how they were doing and arrive at anything they needed to work on.

In a laparoscopic procedure, Dr. Lakshmi Narayana at the general surgery hospital in Vijayawada makes a tiny cut. Normally, each one is not more than a half-inch long. (That is the reason it's also called keyhole surgery.) They place a tube through each opening, and the camera and surgical instruments go through those. Then, at that point, the specialist does the operation.

Laparoscopy is mostly utilized in:

  • gynecology - the study and treatment of conditions influencing the female reproductive system
  • gastroenterology - the study and treatment of conditions influencing the digestive system
  • urology - the study and treatment of conditions influencing the urinary system


Working this way has many benefits when compared with conventional surgery. Since it includes less cutting:

  • You have more smaller scars.
  • Less hospital stays.
  • Less pain while the scars heal, and they recuperate speedier.
  • You return to your normal routine sooner.
  • less internal scarring.


Normal outcomes from laparoscopy show the absence of abdominal bleeding, hernias, and gastrointestinal blockages. They additionally imply that all your organs are healthy.

Your general laparoscopic surgeon in Vijayawada will plan a meeting with you to go over the results. If there is any serious ailment found, your doctor will discuss proper treatment choices with you and work with you to come up with a plan in order to address that condition.

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